Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Sickness and Lethargy

For once in a long time it is cloudy here in San Diego. I was greeted to the day with a stomach bug I caught from my suspiciously tough sushi last night. Woe is the world of raw seafood. Anyway, I am at work trying to forget about the sickness.
Clouds always make me hopelessly lethargic. Over New Year's break I stayed in bed for three whole days eating pastries and watching True Romance over and over, just because of the weather. People would drop by and question by sejour au lit. All I had to spare was a smug look. No, I am not getting out of bed today. Yes I did bake this carmel soaked chocolate marble cake just for bedroom eating and No, I will not share.
The joy of life comes in several different forms.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Yo. I am trying to get this thing up and running. Funny, I am trying to get myself up and running too. I took a position with the French gov't teaching English at a Lycee from Oct 04 to May 04. I will be gone for quite awhile so this website has been set up to help me keep in touch. It may turn into my own garbage can of thoughts and tirades that no one actually reads, although I hope that fears proves to be false.
Oh faithful friend who hath bestowed your presence upon my blog... I implore you to be faithful and check back periodically. Those who know me well know that I get myself into plenty of trouble and am all to willing to tell anyone who'll listen about it. You know what they say, it's funny cuz it's true.