Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Where were you when Obama won?

November 4, 2008 11pm- In my NYC Apartment

I stared at the TV screen and blinked a couple of times. Tears welled up and blurred the beautiful image.


History had been made. I jumped to my feet and started doing my Pulaar happy dance. Outside you could hear crowds erupt with cheers. Yes we can!

The whole family poured out of the apartment and down the stairs. Out in the streets in front of the Obama headquarters on Broadway and 105th there were hundreds of people dancing in the streets. Slowly cars would inch through the crowd with honking horns and jubilant cries. A bus pulled up, a large black bus driver was weeping, his fist raised in the air, Yes we can. The crowd enveloped the bus, cheering and dancing, everyone raising their fist in a salute to our Joe the Bus Driver, as more tears streamed down his face and we screamed, Yes we can. Traffic stopped, hundreds of people started singing the national anthem, cops scrambled to get the people on the side walk, but more people poured into the streets from all directions. Parties began to erupt all over Manhattan, an explosion of pride for our country and pure joy.

Well into the night I ran the streets of New York City, screaming and hollering OBAMA, to which inevitably there would be a distant cry of joy from some other drunken reveler who couldn't believe that today the world changed for the better.


Anonymous said...

spirits are running high here as well

- jimmy from oz

Unknown said...

I got to speak with a Pulaar-speaking friend yesterday. He too was delighted. Did I ever say I loved all the photos you posted back in March - made me feel very nostalgic for my 9 years in Velingara - lots of similarities. Would any of your Pulaar-speaking friends like free copies of a paper in Pulaar? See

We mail them free of charge if specifically requested.

Thanks, Jane