As a Peace Corps Volunteer I was sent here to inspire change in the lives of the people with whom I interact. More often than not it is the people who inspire me. Today I had the great pleasure of interviewing 4 teenage girls who are candidates for a scholarship SeneGAD, our volunteer organized Gender and Development group, awards annually. Some of the girls are married, some are the only French speaker in their home, some come from strict religious backgrounds, some girls come from abject poverty, but the thing all of these girls have in common is courage. They have the courage to succeed when all the odds are against them. Sexual harassment is rife throughout the school system. The value of women’s education is not a priority in many households. But these young girls, armed with a pen and paper study by candle light late into the night with the courage to improve their lives. I am inspired by the alchemy of their success. Coupled with that I feel great guilt and shame for not taking better advantage of the opportunities I have had in my life. No one ever told me I couldn’t do it. That is not the American way. We are told we can, should, and in some cases must succeed. I dedicate this to the girls who ride the breaking wave of the feminist revolution in Senegal. You have given me more than I could ever give you.
If you are interested in SeneGAD or donating to the scholarship fund, please visit $60 funds one girl’s education for the school year.
1 comment:
My Glorious Child. You are the Warrior. You are the Seeker. You are my Pride. Could any mother be more proud?
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