Of course every good bike ride deserves several breaks to play with your camera.

One of our newest volunteers Kay got schooled in badass-ery. How to walk through crocodile territory with your ride on your shoulder.

The road has become inundated with water, but at least the swirls are pretty.

I am always willing to ham it up in front our our beautiful mountain range.

Here is the most photographed waterfall in Senegal, Dindefello. It is cool but kinda like the Yosemite of the region, there are always tourists. I prefer some of the falls farther off the beaten path.

But while beating that path you may encounter bugs of incredibly large size.

One of the nights I stopped off at a friend's house and watched her wash her little baby in a bucket. It was too cute.

I went off in search of a far off waterfall called Thiokoye but never got there. The hike was great but it was disappointing never to have found the fall.

In a few weeks I am going to go out and find even more waterfalls. For now I am getting ready to head off to Fongolimbi to distribute mosquito bed nets. The volunteers in the Kedougou region are going to extend bed nets to 16 villages. It is going to be a lot of bike riding but will be very rewarding. Who has the coolest job on earth? I do, that's who.
And for some final images, here is the dinner that I have had almost every night for the last two years, lachiri hakko. It is corn couscous with leave sauce and is not my favorite meal. After I leave Senegal I will never EVER eat this again. EVER.

For me this is laundry. I crave the day I can throw it into a machine and walk away.

And for the image that I want to carry you thru the weekend, a shot one of my favorite down hill runs. Imagine the wind whipping thru your hair as you point your trusty velo down the hill and let 'er rip. Classic Kedougou fun.

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