Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Cold and Colder

So the first week of my vacation has been spent battling a mean cold and watching snow fall. As I would sit on my couch and watch the weather I kept my eye on Nice. Everyday that it was snowing here it was sunny and warm in Nice. Well, I thought that the weather would hold, but it has not!!!! A freakin SNOW STORM has moved into Nice and some warmth is headed here to Romans. I couldn't believe it. I could have died!! So know I am packing to head into the freakin snow on the beach to search for a job for 5 days. It couldn't be worse. I am so not prepared for this and was really hoping for some sun during my holiday. Whatever, c'est la vie. Wish me luck in the job search. I will need it.


Anonymous said...

hang in there tiger!

Anonymous said...

don't fret show -- the weather here in Cali has been absolutly crazy! There was a tornado in Sacramento yesterday and record storm damage in both so (no) and nor cal. stay tough

Anonymous said...

its the middle of summer down under and we've had mini tornados and 3 months rain in an afternoon in some areas.

apocalyptic type stuff

- Jim

Anonymous said...

Call Grandma immediately--check your email