Sunday, August 31, 2008

The end of my Peace Corps life

Scared to death… no that is too strong

Caught in the rip tide of my future… no that is too dramatic

Totally overwhelmed by my life changes…. Yes that is just right.

I am leaving Senegal tomorrow for New York City after two years of Peace Corps service. When I first came here I was scared to death of the future, horrified by the present, and running from the past. Who knew the torrent of emotions could culminate into a life changing experience, one that carried me from a girl to a woman. I am now afraid of nothing but myself, only limited by my own fear of failure. What a beautiful way to start a new chapter in my life. I am cavalier by nature and let my acute senses carry my through the darkness.

Yet for the acuteness of my senses I am totally numb. The same scenes of Dakar and Senegalese life pass before my eyes and I make no effort to hold them close, to memorize them, to immortalize them. Instead I go to bed when I am tired, eat when I am hungry, and do what I feel like doing. No last good byes, only life as normal.

So au revoir Peace Corps life, you mix of college and career. Adieu poverty, may we never meet again. Ciao parasites, may you enjoy your lives in someone else’s gut. Happy trails to all and to all a good life.

A note on my blog, expect to see major changes in the next week. I will be changing the look and the title to fit my new life in the big city. I hope you all still find the time to check in with me and sit shot gun on my crazy ride.


Anonymous said...

"Adieu poverty"? Don't be so sure. I've been back to my Peace Corps countries many time, poverty or no. You may find that you can't resist.

Good luck on your new life. May it be as fulfilling as the last.

RPCV Philippines, Zambia

Tricia Harper said...

We love you! Thank you for your selfless service on your Peace Corp "mission". All the family is so proud of you. We can't wait to see and hug you. Be safe in the Big City.
