Monday, October 25, 2004

Is This Really My Vacation?

Since I am waiting on Jenny to get her ticket in the mail I have just been sitting on my dead ass in Romans... Which is even deader. Today I bought some new Pumas, which were exhortbantly expensive after the goddamn exchange rate. It was a necessary evil tho considering the only other shoes I brought to France were Elvis Blue running shoes.
So what shall I do for this break.... hmmmm. The first plan was to go to Barcelona, but as more time passes by I just feel like heading up to Amsterdam. After a few days there I am sure that I will be sufficiently partied out.
France is starting to grow on me. On Saturday I went paragliding outside of Grenoble with a friend. I was so cool to just take off running and jump off a cliff with a kite overhead. We sailed around the valley for about 5 minutes passing waterfalls, trees, and rock faces. After a few minutes I asked him if he could do any tricks and he proceeded to make us plummet toward the earth at an alarming rate all the while spinning dangerously out of control. As my eyes poured tears and my voice cracked with gleeful screams I felt my life reach a pinnacle. Every breath I took meant more than the one before. I was truly alive. After my feet touched the ground and I could feel the normalcy of my life even out again. I do not and will not ever fear death. If risky stunts like that propel one towards greater appreciation of life, I say go for it.
The job is going well, even tho I have yet to be paid and am growing more broke by the day. I should create some sort of charity tip jar on this sight or something. The good thing about being broke is that I have already lost 7 lbs and counting. I eat a croissant or the equivalent everyday, but I think the big diff is that the food here has zero preservatives and I walk all the time.
I guess I should go. Gonna go take a walk in my new million dollar kicks and seek a bottle of booze to soothe my Monday night boredom.
With love and peace,

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